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If you grow seedlings yourself, special attention must be paid to the hygiene of germination devices, germination aids and the surrounding area.

Even if the seeds are not watered enough, a high level of germs can build up and lead to mold. If the seeds are infected with mold, they must be completely removed. The germination device and all infected utensils must be thoroughly disinfected. 

Most beans contain the toxic protein Phasin , which is only destroyed by cooking or other types of heat. Therefore, these beans and their freshly sprouted sprouts must not be eaten raw. This also applies to sprouts grown from soybeans or peas, for example. These sprouts must therefore be heated for 10 – 15 minutes before consumption. Likewise, with potatoes and tomatoes, the toxic Solanine must be taken into account in the subsequent processing process.

The toxin Solanine cannot be neutralized by heating!


In the USA, sprouts are considered dangerous foods

Due to the aforementioned dangers, sprouts are considered particularly dangerous as food in the USA and other English-speaking countries.

The authorities there call susceptible foods TCS foods, where TCS stands for time/temperature-control-for-safety. If a food is labeled as TCS food, it may only be exposed to unfavorable (warm) temperatures for a very short period of time. Constant refrigeration of this category of food is very important. Otherwise, harmful germs will multiply. These regulations apply to various products, such as meat, dairy products, etc. and of course sprouts. 

Sprouts as a trigger for EHEC epidemics

Despite its healthy ingredients, foods as nutritious as sprouts can, in rare cases, cause dangerous illnesses or even epidemics.

EHEC is a diarrheal disease caused by a variant of the Escherichia coli bacteria. These intestinal bacteria often trigger bloody diarrhea and, in severe cases, lead to kidney failure. Some of those affected may die from this kidney failure, called HUS.

Brussels is planning new regulations

The EU wants to regulate the regulations for producers of sprouts and their seeds more strictly. Not only hygiene during breeding should be improved, but also export and processing.


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