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Hotkeys Midnight Commandermidnightcommander screenshot

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Ctrl and Shift mean the same keyboard keys, Meta is metakey, on PC it's Alt or single Esc press.

F3 Begin of text selection. Second press - end of text selection
Shift+F3 Begin of block text selection
F5 Copy text selection
F6 Move text selection
F8 Delete text selection
Meta+i Go to previous bookmark
Meta+j Go to next bookmark
Meta+k Toggle bookmark
Meta+l Go to line by number
Meta+o Flush bookmarks
Meta+q Insert literal. See table at bottom of this page
Meta+t Sort of text in selection.
Meta+u Execute external command and insert output into cursor position
Ctrl+f Save selection into external file
Ctrl+k Delete chars to end of line
Ctrl+n Create new file
Ctrl+s Toggle syntax highlighting
Ctrl+t Select text charset
Ctrl+u Undo
Ctrl+x Go to end of next word
Ctrl+y Delete line
Ctrl+z Go to start of previous word
Shift+F5 Insert external file content into cursor position
Meta+Enter Codejump dialog
Meta+- Move back into codejump (go to from function definition to function call)
Meta++ Move forvard into codejump (go to from function call to function definition)
Meta+n Toggle number of lines
tab If 'persistent blocks' option is on, then move selected text to right
M-tab If 'persistent blocks' option is on, then move selected text to left
Shift+Arrows Text selection
Meta+Arrows Block text selection
Meta+Shift+- Toggle show visible tabs and trailing spaces


To install Midnight Commander you can use the following commands:

$ sudo apt install mc         [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
$ sudo yum install mc         [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky/AlmaLinux]
$ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/mc  [On Gentoo Linux]
$ sudo apk add mc             [On Alpine Linux]
$ sudo pacman -S mc           [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install mc      [On OpenSUSE] 

Hotkeys Rangerranger screenshot

`ranger` Start Ranger
`Q` Quit Ranger
`R` Reload current directory
`?` Ranger Manpages / Shortcuts



`k` up
`j` down
`h` parent directory
`l` subdirectory
`gg` go to top of list
`G` go to bottom of list
`J` half page down
`K` half page up
`H` History Back
`L` History Forward
`~` Switch the view


File Operations

`<Enter>` Open
`r` open file with
`z` toggle settings
`o` change sort order
`zh` view hidden files
`cw` rename current file
`yy` yank / copy
`dd` cut
`pp` paste
`/` search for files `:search`
`n` next match
`N` prev match
`<delete>` Delete



`:` Execute Range Command
`!` Execute Shell Command
`chmod` Change file Permissions
`du` Disk Usage Current Directory
`S` Run the terminal in your current ranger window (exit to go back to ranger)



`C-n` Create new tab
`C-w` Close current tab
tab Next tab
shift + tab Previous tab
alt + [n] goto / create [n] tab


File substituting

`%f` Substitute highlighted file
`%d` Substitute current directory
`%s` Substitute currently selected files
`%t` Substitute currently tagged files

Example for substitution

`:bulkrename %s`



`m + <letter>` Create Marker
`um + <letter>` Delete Marker
`' + <letter>` Go to Marker
`t` tag a file with an *
`t"<any>` tag a file with your desired mark


To install Ranger you can use the following commands:

$ sudo apt install ranger         [On Debian, Ubuntu and Mint]
$ sudo yum install ranger         [On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora and Rocky/AlmaLinux]
$ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/ranger  [On Gentoo Linux]
$ sudo apk add ranger             [On Alpine Linux]
$ sudo pacman -S ranger           [On Arch Linux]
$ sudo zypper install ranger      [On OpenSUSE]