The hydroponic cultivation of plants is not a result of our technological progress. The first plants date back far before the birth of Christ in our cultural history. The famous Babylonian hanging gardens, more than 2500 years old, probably already used hydroponic principles. The region along the Euphrates has always been dry and infertile. It is assumed that the fruits of the gardens were nourished by a trickle system fed by the river. The Aztecs about 1000 years ago also used hydroponics to grow their food. They probably also invented the floating rafts with soil, which allowed plants to reach the water directly under the thin layer of soil. A particularly big advantage of growing hydroponics is the short growing cycle. Most plants develop about 20 percent faster. The reason is that the plants have direct access to nutrients. Similarly, harvests are often 20 to 25 percent richer. Although research is still being done on why this is so, part of the explanation seems to be obvious: that plants that take up nutrients in liquid form can use them better. Floating gardens, Lake Burma: Floating Gardens
This means that many more plants can be grown in the same space (vertical hydroponics is deliberately excluded here). The distance between the plants can be much smaller - as far as the space for root growth is concerned. Apart from all the other advantages (no ploughing, fertiliser application, pesticides, etc.), the technique is quite demanding.
And the drugs ?
The History of Hydroponics and Drugs
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