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Bio Filtermedium P03

Helix / Bio-Filter Medium P03 per Liter (ca. 850 Pices)
Sales price 5,50 €
Sales price without tax 5,50 €
Tax amount
Product Weight 1,000   Kg
Product Length 0,3   cm
Product Width 0,3   cm
Product Height 0,3   cm

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Bio-Filter Medium P03, Price per Liter (appr. 850 Pieces)

Dimensions: approx. 10 x 7 mm
Number of holes: 5
Protected surface: approx. 1'000 m2/m3
Density: 0.96-0.98 g/cm3
Pieces/m3: > 850'000
Porosity: >85
Dosing ratio: 15-70%
Membrane formation: approx. 3 to 15 days
Nitrification efficiency / day: 400-1'200 g NH4-N/m3
BOD5/BOD5 oxidation / day: 2,000-10,000 g BOD5/m3
COD/CSB oxidation / day: 2,000-15,000 g COD/m3
Temperature working range: 5 to 60 ℃
Lifespan: > 15 years

Biofilter p03 


Here is more data on alternative products:

Model   PE01 PE02 PE03 PE04 PE05 PE06 PE08 PE09 PE10
Dimensions: approx. mm φ12*9 φ11*7 φ10*7 φ16*10 φ25*10 φ25*10 φ5*10 φ15*15 φ25*4
Number of holes Löcher 4 4 5 6 19 19 8 40 64
Protected surface m2/m3 >800 >900 >1000 >800 >500 >500 >3500 >900 >1200
Density g/cm3 0.96-0.98 0.96-0.98 0.96-0.98 0.96-0.98 0.96-0.98 1.02-1.05 1.02-1.05 0.96-0.98 0.96-0.98
Pieces pieces/m3 >630000 >830000 >850000 >260000 >97000 >97000 >2000000 >230000 >210000
Porosity % >85 >85 >85 >85 >90 >90 >80 >85 >85
Dosing ratio % 15-67 15-68 15-70 15-67 15-65 15-65 15-70 15-65 15-65
Membrane formation Tage 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15
Nitrification efficiency / day g NH4-N/m3 400-1200 400-1200 400-1200 400-1200 400-1200 400-1200 500-1400 500-1400 500-1400
BOD5/BOD5 oxidation / day g BOD5/m3 2000-10000 2000-10000 2000-10000 2000-10000 2000-10000 2000-10000 2500-15000 2500-15000 2500-20000
COD/CSB oxidation / day g COD/m3 2000-15000 2000-15000 2000-15000 2000-15000 2000-15000 2000-15000 2500-20000 2500-20000 2500-20000
Temperature working range 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60 5-60
Lifespan Years >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15

Units in box: ca. 850
