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Here is a simplified schematic representation of an aquaponics system. This consists of a fish farm that is connected to a hydroponic plant that uses the residues of fish farming for the nutritional needs. An overview of the hydroponics techniques can be found here.

The systems can be configured as required, depending on whether the solids are to be used as fertilizer or processed separately. Space requirements in particular play, Energy consumption, Types of planting, Species of fish and more factors a role in configuration.


Aquaponik Schematik 01


Here is an example of how the filtered solids can be used directly as a medium for plants that are not suitable for hydroponics. These systems are technically more complex because they have a separate nutrient cycle between plants and fish. A list suitable plants can be found here.

In some combinations of plant and fish farming, a common "water cycle" is not possible due to the different nutrient compositions. Systems with separate circuits are used here. Only after processing by biofilter can the wastewater from fish farming also be used for the plants. 


Aquaponik Schematik 02


We would be happy to advise you on configurations that meet your requirements.

ID: 185